About Bittersweet Haven
Welcome to my little shop! I started selling my creations in convention artist alleys around 2012, but for a long time it was just a hobby that I did until I could decide on a career. In the end, I decided to try making this my career. (°◡°♡)
It's been a rough road at times with lots of ups and downs, but I don't regret any of it. I love running my shop and designing new cute things! I sincerely appreciate all the support I've been shown over the years! I'm always trying to live up to all the other fantastic creators I've seen and met over the years, so seeing people who appreciate my creations really inspires me! ❤

My shop used to be called Sweets Haven! Back then I was still kind of unsure what I wanted for my shop, and my creations didn't always match my own style. For a long time I didn't have much confidence in my art or creativity. It took a long time to get past that, and there's plenty of times that I still struggle.

This was one of my early artist alleys! I used to do custom doll work and would sometimes sell my customs at conventions. Sadly I had to stop working on my dolls due to my back problems. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get back into it at some point though. I really miss doing customs! (´,,•ω•,,)♡

These were some of my original catbats that I handmade from fleece! ^-^ I feel like the design is pretty simple, but they took so much work to actually sew! Some parts were hard to fit under my sewing machine, and some parts had to be hand sewn. I loved them, but I would get burned out so quickly making them. ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
My shop has changed a lot over the years, but now I really feel like it reflects my own style and I finally feel proud of it! (´• ω •`) ♡
I hope to keep improving and making my shop cuter and fluffier and better! ❤